
First Baptist Staff
We are so honored to serve God and His people at First Baptist. Each of us bring unique contributions to our combined efforts and, together, we get to show Christ’s love and live out our faith with the people of First Baptist. In spite of the flawed vessels that we are, God is exalted as we serve Him as one! You can learn more about us below…
First Baptist Church Staff
About Me
I am so grateful that the Lord allows me to serve among the wonderful people of Linden First Baptist Church. My wife and family moved here in August of 2021 and are so excited about what God is doing.
We have five children, four of them live with us here in Linden and the fifth (our oldest) is married and lives in San Antonio with her husband. My family is my first ministry and I can be found in my free time serving them.
I am a graduate of Liberty University where I received both my Bachelors and Masters degrees. At some point I plan to finish the work I have begun on my doctorate.
God has allowed me to serve His church as pastor in Louisiana, North Carolina, California and Texas. It has been my honor to preach in Ukraine and Israel as well.
I am an LSU fan through and through and am proud to admit it, even in NE Texas!
If you live in the NE Texas area I would like to invite you to join with us as we serve the Lord in our region. Come as you are and see what God has in store for you as you follow Him. There is a place for you here..
Senior Pastor
Mitch Minson
About Me
I have been serving the good Lord here at FBC Linden since March 2011.
I grew up and graduated from high school right down the road in Daingerfield. Right down another road from Linden in Marshall, I received my Bachelors degree from East Texas Baptist University.
It was there that I met my wife who serves as an elementary teacher. We have two children, Bennie in the elementary school and Elias in daycare, who we pray will come to know and love the Lord, will grow up and marry women who know and love the Lord, and will one day teach their children to know and love the Lord.
Generational ministry is my aim. I want students to find Jesus as their Savior and find their own identities in Him, for the long run, so that one day I'll have their kids in my student ministry too!
How? Well, I believe that people don't care what you know until they know that you care. I know Jesus cares about you. I want you to know I care about you too.
Let's talk, go grab a bite to eat, or do whatever. You are worth the time and the effort. Jesus made that very clear on the cross.
Youth Pastor
Justin Gutierrez
About Me
It is my pleasure to serve Linden First Baptist Church in this capacity. It brings joy to my heart when I see God working through His people and even more so when I can be a part of that. My husband and I have been been in ministry together for 40 years and have been serving at First Baptist Church Queen City since 2017. Music is one of my passions and I am blessed to be able to sing with my husband on our Praise Team. In our spare time we enjoy camping, hiking and sitting by a roaring fire. We have two children that are newly married and live in Arkansas. I look expectantly to see what God has planned for Cass County and into all the world as we work together to build His Kingdom!
Vickie Riemar
About Me
My family and I share a love of music. I love the way that all the people come together to create something bigger and more beautiful than what just one person can do alone. The instruments and voices in harmony reflect how each of us in God's kingdom fill our own unique roles in pursuit of his plan. I started playing instruments for my church my freshman year in high school and have been playing, singing, and/or leading ever since. Now, after high school, I'm currently a student at Texas A&M at Texarkana pursuing a degree in electrical engineering. Outside of church and attending classes, I enjoy playing computer games with my younger brothers, reading, (and going on the occasional snack run with an unnamed little sister). I am honored to serve Christ through Worship Leadership and I will continue to serve him with joy.
Minister of Music
Taylor Minson
About Me
l have served at FBC Linden since 2017 and been a member since 2008. I loves Jesus, Dr. Pepper, banana pudding, playing basketball and video games. One of my joy is getting to be a loving uncle and caring deeply for my cat Myles! Oh, and I am a Cowboys and Mavericks fan...