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Welcome to First Baptist
First Baptist doesn’t exist for ourselves. We exist because God first loved us and gave Himself for us. His example of loving others compels us to follow by reaching out to our friends and neighbors to be a blessing and a resource to our whole community.
We strive to create an environment where Christ is glorified and His people can grow in His grace. You will find that we are normal people living with the normal challenges of this life but trying to honor Him through all that we do.
There is a lot of good information found on this page about our location, times and Bible Study groups. Look around and I am sure that you will find that there is a place for you here…
Mitch Minson
Senior Pastor
Plan Your Visit
Here you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
What to Expect
We have Bible Study classes for all ages during our Sunday School hour. In addition to classes organized around ages for Children and Teens, we have adult classes that are co-ed as well as other for only men or women. Our classes are highly relational and our goal is to grow together in the knowledge of God’s Word as well as in our relationships with one another. Join us this Sunday, there is a place for you here.
Every Sunday morning is an exciting time for our church to gather. We gather in our Worship Center as we sing songs that are challenging and inspiring from many different styles and eras. We believe that God is honored through the expression of worship of our hearts not the style of music so we enjoy a wide range of musical choices. Each service also features a Sermon from God’s Word that will challenge the followers of Christ to grow in faith and call those who have never experienced a relationship with Jesus to accept His free gift of forgiveness and adoption.
Wednesday evenings are one of the most enjoyable times in our church life. There are events for the children, teens as well as Bible Study for adults. There is a place for you here…
During our Sunday School hour, Sunday Morning Worship and Wednesday Evening programs we have workers available to minister to the youngest of our groups.
Sunday School Classes
Sunday School Classes for all ages begin each Sunday Morning at 9:45 am. These classes are a wonderful opportunity for you to grow in Biblical knowledge, ask questions and get to know people here at First Baptist Church. Wherever you are in the journey, there is a place for you here..
In the Sunday School class titled “The Conversation” led by JonJon Cornett, we are going through the discussions guide “Fearless Coversation”. This guide leads us through the Word of God and offers up critical discussion points for everyone in the class to think deeply about and talk through. Coupled with this deep conversation we eat breakfast together. We have drinks and glazed donuts (sometimes JonJon spices it up with SPRINKLES as well!). Join us in The Conversation and the fun that comes with it. We promise you won’t leave without laughs, an empty stomach or a deeper insight into God’s Word.
Are you seeking to dig deeper in God’s word? This consists of women of all ages, who desire to journey through the Bible and grow in their relationship with the Father. This group of women will welcome you with open arms. We encourage you to come as you are and receive a message of faith, hope and love, as we study the Word together, verse-by-verse, backing scripture with scripture, and always desiring to rightly divide His Word (2 Timothy 2:15). Your heart will be opened to the importance of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) for us today. The Gospel shows us how Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected to life. It is all about Jesus Christ and what He did for you. We look forward to seeing YOU!!!
The Men’s Class is comprised of men of all ages. We enjoy the opportunity to study the Word of God and share what it means to us. Our class is currently using a series called The Gospel Project. The student’s study book includes five daily devotionals relating to the lesson each week along with questions related to the study. This series begins in Genesis and concludes with Revelation.
As a class we enjoy group fellowships that help build strong relationships with each other. We are the largest study group in the church and are involved with many projects of the church.
Come and join us in our Bible Study, there is a place for you here!
It has been my honor to be the leader of the Young Adult SS Class. 30 years ago when the nominating committee asked me to teach the college and career class, I immediately said “No.” The committee asked me to pray about it.
I prayed, God answered and I became the teacher.
We are now the Young Adult Class. We enjoy learning how God can use us in our daily lives. We are faithful to each other and to God’s word.
Each Sunday is a time for sharing and learning about how wonderful God is and there is a place for you here!
Love God and Love People
Our class discipleship series is The Gospel Project. The series student book includes five daily devotionals relating to the lesson each week. The study begins in Genesis and concludes with Revelation. We discuss the lessons with insight on applying the truths in scripture to our daily living. We participate in ministry through class and church outreach projects and we enjoy class fellowships that bond us together as believers. It is our desire to live and reflect Jesus by applying the following scriptures to our lives…….
Matt. 22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.
John 15:12 This is my command: Love one another as I have loved you.
There is a place for you here…
The Ruth Sunday School class demonstrates love and loyalty. Come and join this group of older women who study the Bible, pray, and reaches out to others. You will feel love and a sense of belonging as we grow together in Christ. Our chosen Bible verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” There is a place for you here!
We would love for you to bring your child to the Nursery! Our teachers have each been called to serve these youngest members of the congregation and are passionate about ministering to your unique child. Each age group from infants to the three-year old group have age-appropriate activities that spark their spiritual growth. We sing children’s Christian songs, read books and Bible stories, make crafts and play!! When the weather is nice, we go outside on the playground to enjoy God’s World. These activities are all designed to enforce Christian values and provide a foundation for future learning. We like to learn through play! We also desire to minister to the families of these young children. We want to be available for the rest of the family to participate in other church activities.
Mrs. Jerry Fitts and Mrs. Cammy Hutsell together teach our 4 & 5 year olds. Combined we bring over fifty years of Sunday School teaching to our classroom.
We spend our Sunday School time singing Children’s songs, we even play instruments! Our students enjoy Bible story time along with coloring and activity sheets coordinated with our lesson.
In our classroom, we encourage our students to pray and learn the truths of His Word. We are preparing children for life in this world and in heaven.
We provide a fun and safe place for our students to develop relationships, become creative and learn how much Jesus loves them.
We would love to have your child come to our classroom, there is a place for them here!
Welcome to our 1st through 3rd grade ministry, where children embark on an exciting journey of faith and learning. In this program, they begin engaging in educational, age-appropriate Bible studies with a curriculum designed to be relevant and applicable to their lives today. Through interactive lessons and activities, our young learners deepen their understanding of God’s word and how it relates to their everyday experiences.
Welcome to our 4th through 5th grade ministry, where students embark on a deeper exploration of the Bible. In this program, they engage in comprehensive Bible studies designed to prepare them for the future years. Through thoughtful discussions and interactive activities, our young learners gain a profound understanding of God’s word, equipping them with the knowledge and faith they need for their spiritual journey ahead.
We are excited to have you join us for Sunday School. We know there is a place for you here where you’ll learn how to understand the Bible and how it applies to your daily life, not by yourself, but with a community of believers your age that wants to grow closer to Jesus too.
Our usual format is that we meet all together in large group for some worship and a series message before breaking out into small groups, one for junior high school and another for high school.
We are created for community, Join us as we live together to find our identities in Jesus and love each other along the way. There is a place for you here!
Take the Next Step
Intro Lunch
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Have Questions or Need Prayer?
We care about the needs of all go God's People. If there is something that we can join you in praying about, or if you just have questions you would love answers to, this is a great way to contact us. Send us a message and we'll be in touch this week.